Month: December 2010

  • Kara Update:

    Surgery went well yesterday. She had trouble with pain control at first so she had an extended stay (2 hours) in recovery.
    They moved her to a bariatric floor because pediatrics was full. But the plan  is to move to an extended stay room later this afternoon. or when available.
    Dr came in this am an increased pain med dose, which has really helped with pain control. He has also giving her Zofran which has helped tremendously with
    the nausea. She has an NG tube which helps also.
    She had what is called a doudenostomy with Ladd's procedure. Rerouting past the bad part of the duodenum. moving colon to left side of body and appendectomy
    to prevent appendicitis.
    She is currently more alert and resting more comfortably.
    She had painful hiccups all night and this morning but I believe God heard the prayers of our friends and they have been sporadic the past "hourish".

  • Prayer

    Kara's in Hospital having major abdominal surgery.
    I am sitting in waiting room occupying time.
    I think its cool the hospital offers free wifi to its guest.